Two Decades of Innovation for Nelspruit Communications
It’s not often that companies celebrate milestones in the FMCG industry. In a globally tough and tricky economic environment, a company should consider itself fortunate to not be another start-up which showed promise, but never made it past its first financial year.
Nelspruit Communications is proud to celebrate 20 years’ experience in various fields such marketing, sales, public relations and now social media. Sadly without Wesley it is not the same thus the business is now closed.
Starting out as exhibitors at hair events around Birmingham, Nelspruit grew into an established company. Our first client was Avlon, we were well on our way to working with some of the best hair brands the world has seen. From the glamorous and glossy products of Avlon to urban and chic brands like Cantu and nuNAAT.
With an expert team of Globally Savvy Marketers, Distribution & Merchandising Managers, Brand Managers, PR Specialists, Digital Media staff, Formulation chemists, EU Compilance experts and a partner media team, Nelspruit Communications looks forward to another ground-breaking era in business but not without the genius behind the company Wesley.